Thursday, December 10, 2009

Warning Facebook Friends (Escaping Farmville)

Like the rest of us, you don't understand how Facebook really works. Nobody does; nor do we know why it exists, or how we got there. Alien abductions I suspect. Like the rest of us you’ve probably had a memory implanted into your brain that a “friend” invited you there. It’s useless to resist. You’re there now, and there’s no escaping. If they haven’t done so already, the aliens will soon give you a task to perform. I for example maintain a farm in "Farmville" for the aliens, where I’m forced to harvest crops several times a week. The crops I assume go to feed the needy on some far away planet. Don’t get me wrong; I have nothing against helping the less fortunate in other galaxies. I just don’t like being enslaved this way, so tonight I am planning to flee the farm. “Friends,” if you see my unattended crops left dying in the fields, please do not notify The Big Face. I want to be as far away as possible when the aliens notice!

1 comment:

Mary Jackson said...

Way to go Randy! Just say NO to Farmville... Don't let THEM suck you back in!