Friday, August 25, 2017

A Proposal to the New Confederacy

I propose a compromise to America's Historian-in-Chief Donald Trump and his loyal supporters: Put statues of slaves - chained to the auction block, tied to the whipping post, dead in the field - at the base of your "beautiful" Confederate monuments and we won't tear them down. They can stand forever in accurate context for all the world to see. Your cherished history will be saved. You will be able to proudly take your children and grandchildren to these monuments and show them exactly what your Southern States so gallantly fought to preserve.

R.L. Johnson, 2017


is the narrow
spanning the deep
between us
and our future.


is a green
wild-eyed belief
that one can leap
to the other side
without falling
into the abyss.

R.L.J. 2017