Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Gun Owner's Rant

Regarding the viral facebook message that begins with “To everyone who is calling for stricter gun laws in light of the tragedy in Tuscon,” and ends with “if guns are outlawed - only outlaws will have guns!!!”

Folks, “regulating” does not equal “outlawing.” Conflating these two things is an overused NRA tactic that works very well on weak and paranoid minds, but it has no basis in reality. When is the last time our government regulated something as a first step toward outlawing it? That's okay, I’ll wait…........ Well? Considering the fact that unwarranted wiretaps, and secret searches of American citizens by former President what’s-his-name didn’t bother the NRA crowd you wouldn’t think the mere thought of regulating little things like 30 round clips for semi-automatic handguns would upset them, but it does, and how! Just try using your first amendment rights to quiz them about their second amendment rights and you’ll find out how. Yep, they’ll be in your face as fast, loud, and dumb as Billy the Kid’s six-shooter (Believe me. I’ve had that conversation a couple of times now.)

Remember all you Palinite’s, the Second Amendment wasn't written with semiautomatic handguns, and 30 round clips in mind. That’s right, read it yourself. It was written so that “well regulated” militias when needed could show up with flintlock rifles instead of pitchforks to defend us against the British, or French, or whoever else might be pissed off at us. This was important at the time because we didn’t (nor did our founding fathers intend us to have) a standing army.

So why are we so against regulating, and especially against licensing guns when we regulate and license cars, trailers, boats, pets, etc? I’d gladly license my guns if I could get out of permitting my damn carport! For crying out loud, I need a license to wield a clam gun in this state …but not a Glock (unless of course I want to shoot a clam with it.) How ‘bout we consider the possibility that regulations and guns can coexist ...You know like cars and speed limits, or parachutes and ripcords, or are we against preventing senseless deaths?

And by the way, nobody’s even seriously talking about licensing guns in this recent discussion of common sense gun regulations. They’re just talking about possibly reinstating the assault weapons ban. You know, the Bush supported ban that may have saved half the people gunned down in Arizona last week if we hadn't let it expire. That ban is kind of like the ban on driving monster trucks on the freeway (it won’t outlaw “normal” hunting and sporting weapons.) There’s also talk of asking people not to bring guns to political rallies, or places deemed dangerous by local municipalities (like inside taverns for example.) That ban is kind of like saying you can’t drive your car INSIDE the mall. Again it doesn’t take away your weapons. It just says park them outside.

For the record, I’m a gun owner. I like being able to legally have my guns, but I don't feel a need to keep an arsenal. Nor do I have any desire to tote them around in public for the illusion (or delusion) of safety, or worse intimidation. I feel that owning guns is a responsibility as well as a right, and having them without having to show up for militia duty is a privilege …one that I don’t take lightly.

Oh, and one more thing: Maybe we should consider not selling guns to psychotics. I know it won’t stop all the Jared Laughner’s out there from acquiring a gun somehow but shouldn’t we at least make it harder for guys like Hinckley, Chapman, and now Laughner to purchase a gun? We don’t want drunks on our roads, or pedophiles on our playgrounds, so why do we accept heavily armed psychotics on our sidewalks? Just wondering?

Okay, I’m done yammering (for now.) Have a safe day everyone :)


itsmecissy said...

I can't say that I disagree with anything you've written. I hate guns and never thought I'd allow one in my house. We own guns also, I wouldn't say an arsenal, but we do have several savely locked in a gun safe in our garage. We don't keep any in the house cuz it just gives me the creeps.

I mention this only because as I type this, Mr. itsme is puttering/decompressing around in the garage as he does most nights when we get home from work (he's working on a wine rack project for our basement but I digress).

In our local paper today there were two armed robberies a few blocks from our house, one at knife point, one at gun point. We have a serious gang-problem here but have never had any trouble since we've lived in this house (going on 14 years).

Before going outside, I asked him for the first time ever to arm himself (he's also in law enforcement but isn't required to carry a weapon while on the job but is well-trained in firearm use). I requested that he keep his Glock 9 loaded and somewhere nearby in case anything "happened;" it's dark and god knows who could approach the driveway un-noticed. I guess as long as I hear the whirr of power tools, it's OK.

It pains me to have to think this way but it's better to be safe than sorry. Next, I'm getting trained myself. I really hate this!

Randy Johnson said...

Itsme: Thanks for suffering through my rambling rant. It's good to hear back from a responsible gun owner. Stay safe.

By the way, your husband has a good idea there. Maybe we could turn it into a bumper sticker:
Wine Racks not Gun Racks

itsmecissy said...

O-M-G "Wine Racks Not Gun Racks." We gotta have that one made up special. I'd put that on my caar even.