Monday, January 17, 2011


Sometimes when I see a jet fly over, or watch the space shuttle on TV I think “I wonder what it would be like if Orville and Wilbur could be brought back to life to witness this.” What would they think? Surely they’d be thrilled beyond belief.

And I wonder what it would be like to take Leonardo da Vinci to the Smithsonian for an afternoon to show him how far we’ve come? Would he be impressed? Would he be surprised and pleased that we remembered to credit him with inventing the delta wing, the hydraulic pump, and so many other things that we use in modern engineering today?

Similarly on the night that Barack Obama was elected I remember thinking what millions of others must have been thinking, “I wish Martin Luther King Jr. could witness this moment.” I thought of how proud and happy he would have been. Of course looking back on it now, it would have been merciful to have returned him to the grave soon after, because I’m sure that after the high of that night the amount of bigotry and racism that arose so quickly after the election from communities all around this country would have saddened Martin greatly. I know it has saddened me.

I hope that someday before I die I can once again think “I wish Martin Luther King Jr. could witness this moment.” Until then, rest in peace Martin. You’re work is finished. America’s work ineptly continues.


Pam said...

We have come a long way technologically, but we have a very long way to go as compassionate human beings.

lightly said...

i think the wrights and Leonardo will actually be a little upset with us, hell I think mr king would like to kick us in the nuts but i digress.

what have we actually done people, nothing diddly squat, so we can fly a little faster, other than that nothing, we have lost the ability to add 2 + 2 (no bob no need to look the answer up in google).
still drive the car no hover mobile, still take the train, still need people to lay tracks.

randy do you really think these people will be proud of our accomplishments.

Randy Johnson said...

Lightly: If we showed the Wrights, and Da Vinci everything we did up until 1970 or so, I think they’d be quite impressed. Heck, just point at the moon, and say "we landed on that thing" …but I wouldn’t admit to anything after that.

As for Dr. King you’re right. We’d best leave him in the ground for the time being.

itsmecissy said...

Isn't human nature the pitts?

Randy Johnson said...

Human nature is the whole fruit ...the peach, and the pitt! Some people just need to be pitted more than others.

itsmecissy said...

Maybe Humankind was busy doing other things

Pam - and working on our compassionate side was not high our our list I guess.

LOL, my Word Verification is "SUCKIE" LOL!

itsmecissy said...

I think Leonardo & the Wrights would be impressed & dismayed at the same time, just like this

I do wish Dr. King could have lived to see our current Prez.

Robert Crane said...

boy randy this is a very interesting scenario you present. i think from time to time we have all had "i wonder" moments like the ones you suggest.
technology progress is always fascinating, even in our own lives, let alone folks from the distant past.
human progress? that's a tough one. women still get stoned to death. we've traded in catapults for nukes. but there are pockets where progress has happened, many right here in the US and Canada. I think the human side is a race. The right thing to do over time always wins out. i really think that is true, equal rights and resource access for all being at the top of that list. the problem is that time is running out. the clock ticks. and i don't know when it will toll. but it will if we don't overcome, as dr. king so wisely advised.

so maybe now's not the time to bring some folks back. the feast isn't quite prepared yet, and there is some trouble in the kitchen. we'll see.

on another note, ya know it really takes the cake when people are dis'in ya behind your blog. I don't need no google two no that too plus too equals fore ... lightly (of the feat)!