Wednesday, August 18, 2010

American Mosquerade (a party crasher's viewpoint)

The U.S. Constitution applies to all Americans, not just to Republican WASPs, and it applies 24-7-365, not just when it’s convenient. So to Sarah, Newt, FOX “News”, and their Tea Party sheep who continually abuse the first amendment as they cling to the second at the peril of the other 25, they can take their feigned Constitution lovin’, States rights touting, no government intervention B.S. hypocrisy and shove it. We don’t need their lies anymore. The Mosque at Ground Zero, that isn’t a Mosque, and isn’t at Ground Zero is just the latest in a long list of things they want us to fear. The entire power-hungry mindset of the Republican Party is based on just one idea: “People in fear are people that can be controlled.” We, who are still sane in America, need to stand up at every opportunity and call them out, or America will surely slip back into the mire that we have come so close to crawling out of. And given the putrid bigotry that has shown its ugly face during these past two years, we are in danger of slipping even deeper into that mire than we could have previously imagined. And if we slip, history will look back at our time, and wonder why. Why, as we wonder why slavery was accepted, why Hitler was revered, and why masses of Japanese Americans were imprisoned in American internment camps. If we fail to stop the attack on our country by the right wing multi-national corporatist Generals (armed with billions of dollars of now legal campaign contributions,) and their conservative Christian Lieutenants (who lead an army of ignorant Tea Party foot-soldiers) history will, as it has so many times before, look back at this generation and ask why …why were so many so blind?


itsmecissy said...

Deja Vu and right on! Well worth repeating.

And may I add: Freedom to practice religion and worship whatever higher power you choose isn’t just a mainstay of our Constitution, it was the SINGULAR PURPOSE for which this nation was founded.

If the 1st Amendment doesn’t apply to Muslims, then it doesn’t apply to anyone.

P.S. Looks like Howard Dean has become the next big idiot to denounce the building of the Mosque. What is happening to the Democratic Party??? This isn't what I signed up for.

Randy Johnson said...

Thanks Itsmecissy. It started as a brief comment on your page, but I got a little riled up. Like you, I wonder what is happening to our party. Things like this should be our rallying cry, not something to shrink away from. I mean our president swore to protect the Constitution and the minute he does Democrats run the other way. Bush ignores the Constitution – Obama protects it and the news media acts like it’s Obama who’s out of touch! I’m afraid America’s dangerously out of touch.

Pam said...

Stupidity and ignorance are a mainstay of the average person. That's what most governments count on.

The Mosque being built will be open to the public for conferences promoting global peace among all races and religions. There will be a library, swimming pool, and a fitness facility. How do I know?

Two friends of mine who are professors as Nazareth College of Rochester (my alma mater). One of them is a Catholic nun, the other is a Muslim leader in our community. Both are promoters of world peace. AND I will be joining them in their next conference.

Unless this vile bigotry stops, hoards of horse pucky will be hurled at all guilty parties.

Randy Johnson said...

Exactly Pam! This facility is no more a mosque than a YMCA is a Catholic church. Yes, there will be prayer rooms in the top two floors, but it seems to me that there are also Christian chapels in all the major hospitals I go to …so what?! It’s time for people who object to this facility to take a good hard look at our constitution, and at themselves and quit being so:
A.__ Touchy
B. __Hypocritical
C. __Bigoted
(Check all that apply.)

Personally I think we need “food court” places of worship in our country. You know like those mall food courts with a dozen restaurants surrounding one big seating area. I envision a city block sized oval of small houses of worship: Church, Chapel, Temple, Synagogue, Mosque, Hall, Mandir, etc. all surrounding an Agnostic reflecting pond, with a wishing well at one end for the Athiests. All of these buildings would be of similar size and separated by walkways leading into the oval, but all of them would be interconnected by a single oval beam running through the upper section of each. Imagine if the foyer of each building contained an information center, and mini museum open to people of all faiths (or of no faith,) to introduce (and educate) outsiders to each religion. Beyond the entry of each building would be doors leading to the inner prayer (or meditation) chamber for the faithful of each particular group. I’d love to spend a day visiting the entryways of each building, and then go sit by the reflecting pond …and I’d probably bring a pocketful of coins just in case.

Robert Crane said...

One of the strangest arguments I've heard about this mosque mess came from one of my favorite nut jobs, Newt "Go Fig" Gingrich. He said that New York should ban the lower Manhattan mosque "so long as there are no churches or synagogues in Saudi Arabia."
That is a stunning statement, even for this loon.

So let's try to understand what he is suggesting. Go Fig is willing to table the first amendment based on the actions of a foreign country, in this case, Saudi Arabia. This coming from a guy who has argued endlessly that Democrats worry too much about what the Europeans think.

The guy has no shame. Go Fig.