Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Evolution of Intolerance:

With their cloaks of fear and ignorance wearing thin,
Those who stand against gay equality
Will soon stand before the world
As they stand before their God,
Wrapped only in the tattered cloth of bigotry.

Though less recognizable
Than the white sheets of another era,
The cloth still chafes;
Bleeding, infecting, and scarring
All who continue to wear it.


Pam Beers. said...

What's really sad about this is the fact that we really haven't changed very much as a society or even as individual human beings.

From a Spiritual perspective Jesus said, "Love everyone as I have loved you." He meant EVERYONE.

That's what I believe. And it has nothing to do with religion, but the most important thing we can hope to possess; a loving, Spiritual center.

Have a beautiful day.

itsmecissy said...

Thanks Randy, you've just given me an idea for a new blog post, stay tuned.

Powerful poem, btw.

Newt said...

I would have written this myself, but my poetry skills peaked out at the limerick, which just didn't seem like the proper vehicle. A-A-B-B-A forever! (No, not the band.)

Randy Johnson said...

Cheer up Pam. We're slowly evolving... I think. I mean eventually we have to run out of people to hate don’t we? …Or do we just go back, and start the list over again? Okay, now you’re bringing me down.

Glad to spark an idea Itsme… I’ll be heading to your blog next to see what you’ve come up with :)
…and Thanks.

I’ll be doing some limericks soon Newt, so I’ll be expecting your expert insight. You’re right though, this subject matter doesn’t lend itself to the AABBA rhyme pattern. Heck, I was too intimidated to make it rhyme at all, and you know I like a good rhyme as well as the next guy.

Alana said...

Beautiful, brilliant poem.