Monday, April 30, 2012

Eagle Watching

For all you birdwatchers and patriots,
I've added some recent photos of our
National Symbol to Moody’s Photo Album.
To view our feathered friend click HERE.


Pam Beers. said...

There should be another name for this majestic bird other than "bald eagle".

When I went for a jog in the park, I overheard two retired bald guys talking about women being nothing but "loudspeakers".

As I jogged by, I said, "May the bluebird of happiness poop on your head."

lightly said...

the benefit of living in the west. here in vancouver City we look out the window and see eagles not flying rats (pigeons) like other cities.

Haliaeetus leucocephalus

Pam Beers. said...

I like the Latin version, lightly. As you know it means "The sea eagle with a white head."

BTW lightly, there's a multitude of flying horse pucky around here and it doesn't just come from the birds or upstate NY for that matter.

We have snow white seagulls here because the park where I jog is on the lakeshore. Beautiful terrain.

I've seen an eagle or two now and then. We have an abundance of white tailed hawks, but not too many eagles.

Again, there is an abundance of bald-headed old coots hanging out on park benches watching the joggers go by.