But it was still a good day. I mean it was Christmas for
Christ’s sake… not a day to complain about. After I rejoined the gang in the
living room we got out a couple coins and scratched all the shiny silver stuff
off of the WA. State Lottery scratch tickets that were in our stockings.
Woo-hoo! After scratching about $50.00 worth of silver shavings into our laps
we won $4.00. We celebrated with a couple cups of hot tea, and watched another
Christmas movie. The party broke up on the early side. I turned off the
Christmas lights and we bid the Germ Family good night… But I must have
forgotten to lock the door because Hack & Cough jumped into Jeannie’s side
of the bed an hour or two later and partied till almost 3:00am.
This morning things seem to be back to normal though. No
sign of the Germ Family, and when I peeked out the window their van was gone.
We locked the door anyway just to be on the safe side, and took our vitamins.